The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary is an international congregation of Catholic women religious. We serve in 13 countries in diverse ministries. We invite you to explore this website of our California and México province to learn more about our mission and history, our sisters and ministries, and to learn how you can collaborate with us in meeting the needs of God’s people.

To know and love God, to make God known and loved, and to proclaim that Jesus Christ has come that all may have life.
– RSHM Constitutions #7

RSHM Podcast
We feature stories of Spirit and Heart: Conversations with a RSHM Sister.
We invite you to listen to our podcast and learn more about our mission, history, RSHM spirituality, our sisters and ministries.
Visit our RSHM Podcast:
Our full podcast link:
From Our Blog
Here are the links to the films on RSHM YouTube Channel:

“Called to be Community”
As apostolic religious, we believe that community, the witness of unity among people of diverse ages, backgrounds, cultures, and racial origins, is at the heart of our mission in a fragmented and divided world.

The mission of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary is “to know and love God, to make God known and loved, to proclaim that Jesus Christ has come that all may have life.” Since our founding in 1849, this faith vision of the founder has been implemented in different ways, according to the needs of the times in various cultures. Our Mission Statement today emphasizes our work for those “most in need of justice” and we are especially committed to the empowerment of women and children.