Tuesday, October 22 2024

“…we place ourselves and our resources at the service of those who are most in need of justice, enabling the powerless, the deprived, the marginalized, the voiceless to work effectively for their own development and liberation.”  RSHM Mission Statement 1990 

Risk, collaboration, and partnership characterize the RSHM response to the world around them. “We want to be women, walking with the marginalized, giving rise to a globalization from below.”  These qualities and the desire to create a community of compassion and solidarity have emboldened us to share resources with others in addressing the needs of those on the periphery of society, especially trafficked, abused, neglected, and unhoused women and children. Through our relationships with the United Nations, the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, Catholic Relief Services, KinderUSA, works related to LA Archdiocesan Catholic Charities, and the Religious Institutes Impact Fund, we have joined those who share our values and commitment to our charism of bringing life with dignity to all. While addressing the immediate concerns of people, these agencies empower and enable people to find their voice and a pathway to enhancing their human development.