Tuesday, October 22 2024

Called to the community as RSHM, we center our lives on Jesus Christ. Sharing a common spirit of faith and zeal and our charism of giving and receiving life, we are united in our mission to make God known and loved. We seek God in personal and community prayer and together we listen to the promptings of God’s Spirit present in the Word, in each person, in the community, the Church, and the world.

Our relationships in the community are marked by loving care and respect for one another, mutual forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust. We affirm and celebrate one another’s giftedness and welcome the richness of our diversity while always upholding and building unity.

Believing in the interconnectedness of all creation, we commit ourselves to interdependence in community with one another, as an Institute, with all God’s people, and with the whole of creation, so that all may have life now and in the future. In solidarity with the poor, the suffering, and the excluded, and assuming our prophetic role in the Church and the world, we desire as a community to live simply, act justly, use and share our resources responsibly, thus contradicting relationships of injustice in our world.

Cherishing the gift of our internationality, we are ready to risk the unknown, to reach out beyond ourselves to ever-new horizons, and to go where mission calls. Relying on God’s power, as sisters in the community we open ourselves to ongoing conversion of heart and to living our vowed life with gratitude, joy, and hope.