“We believe that it is our particular responsibility to set ablaze the fire of God’s love –
a fire that creates in us a new way of being in our world…” 2007 General Chapter
Over the decades we have seen and experienced wars, civil disturbances and unrest, the civil rights, farmworker and peace movements, gun violence, human rights violations at home and in the global arena. We are called to stand in solidarity with the least. Our commitment to creating a just and equitable society, a global community that recognizes the inherent dignity of the human person and the possibility of fullness of life for all is unwavering. Building and strengthening networks, “we collaborate with others, as we journey together, women of prophetic hope who proclaim that all have a place in our Common Home.” We remain attentive and engaged globally with the needs of the marginalized through active participation in our Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Network, and direct involvement with our RSHM NGO at the United Nations.
“Welcoming the stranger is a non-negotiable tenet of all Faith Traditions...We stand with immigrant peoples in their search for dignity, respect, and life…” (WAA 2013 Immigration statement, 5/14/13) Affiliating and collaborating with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, Legal Aid and other faith-based organizations, sisters have advocated for the human rights of immigrant peoples and a pathway to citizenship. Bringing our classroom skills into a broader arena, we teach English as a second language and citizenship classes, often translating, or intervening on behalf of persons not able to understand or manage bureaucratic systems. Establishing a Social Justice scholarship and supporting our DACA students at Loyola Marymount University is a priority.
“To work for Justice is no longer an option.” 1975 General Chapter