Saturday, March 29 2025

“Formation is a lifelong process shared in Community.”  RSHM Constitutions #56

Three years prior to becoming a province, in 1956, a Novitiate was established in Santa Barbara. There we welcomed women to prepare for a life rooted in our RSHM charism and service to the Church. In the 70‘s the Novitiate moved to Los Angeles, taking advantage of inter-congregational gatherings and classes at LMU.  When the number of our Mexican sisters grew and women from Mexico began to inquire about our life and mission, a Novitiate was founded in Mexico City. Presently, the Institute has one Novitiate in Zambia which welcomes new members from any part of the world. Immersed in our Sources, theological studies and spiritual formation, women experience life in a culture that is not their own. Providing a solid foundation and formation for contemporary religious life, with the necessary intercultural skills, these women may be missioned to anywhere in the world.Lifelong learning and continuing education is an enterprise we embrace. Through successive stages of life, we take advantage of opportunities that deepen our knowledge and experience of God, the universe, humanity, and other disciplines, creating avenues that lead to personal development and ways to be of greater service.