“We affirm and celebrate one another’s giftedness and welcome the richness of our diversity.”
Called to be Community 1999
We are called to live in community, a way of life that brings many challenges and much joy. Though “community” has been expressed in different ways throughout the decades, the essentials remain the same. We are women whose lives are centered in Christ and fully dedicated to the RSHM mission, to make God known and loved. Prayer, dialogue, the fostering of genuine and trusting relationships, and shared responsibility for our life and mission unite us. We embrace diversity and welcome the uniqueness of the individual, supporting and calling forth the best in each other. Our community life leaves us open to welcome the other. Hospitality and inclusion are gifts that we treasure.In 2007 the Institute invited family, friends, and colleagues to enter into a unique relationship with their sisters, to participate in our RSHM life and mission as extended family members. The SHM Extended Family welcomes and embraces all who identify with the spirit of the RSHM and want to share in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ. Extended Family members participated in outreach projects, ongoing education and formation opportunities, pilgrimages to the Mother House. Catching the charism, they placed their gifts and skills at the service of the RSHM family, helping to craft and support initiatives integral to our life and mission.