Friday, March 28 2025

SHM Extended Family

The RSHM treasure the friendships and associations shared with students, faculties, staffs, families, co-workers, and friends over the years. The desire for all to connect in a mutually enriching way led to the global formation of the Sacred Heart of Mary Extended Family and includes lay women, men, and children who support the RSHM community.

The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary invite all women and men to journey together with them in faith. The SHM Extended Family embraces all those who identify with the spirit of the RSHM and who want “to share in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ”. (RSHM Mission Statement).

Throughout the world these friends, collaborators and co-ministers bring the RSHM mission into their family, workplaces and everyday realities.

You may wish to look into the SHM Extended Family if you desire:

To deepen your relationship with the RSHM for mutual enrichment
To deepen your understanding of the charism of Jean Gailhac and the history and mission of the RSHM Institute.
To deepen your understanding of the challenges of the Church today and the RSHM institute’s focus on justice, peace and integrity of creation, promoting the life and dignity of all our sisters and brothers”.
Extended Family Events have been held in New York, Los Angeles, London, and Rome and have included attendance at Province Day conferences, lectures, and liturgies, an annual retreat and days of reflection.

The following reflections by Extended Family members speak to the impact on their lives:

“It is my spiritual family and reminds me that God’s gift of community is imperative to our growth as individuals.” (Bill Klein)

“My heart has been touched in profound ways as a result of my participation with the SHM Extended Family.” (Kathy Lindell)

“Being with such a deeply spiritual community is such a relief from the pressures of our lives.” (EAP SHM EF member)

“I always feel both welcome and called to understanding God in so many new and vital ways. It is always like coming home.” (Patrick Lynch)

For more information please contact: